50 powerful quotes to read if you feel put down by others.

“The greatest fear in the world is of the opinions of others. And the moment you are unafraid of the crowd you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom.” ― Osho, Are you bothered by other people's opinions of you? For many of us, we've been the target of disapproval for as long as we can remember. Nothing that has ever been done by us was ever good enough. We've had to endure disrespect, ingratitude, and brutality at the hands of others. There's just always a but....when it comes on to us. With all the prejudices that I've experienced in this life. I've learned this one thing, people can only treat you the way you allow them to. Don't let the disapproval of others determine your outcome in life. You don't need the validation of other people. Your fate isn't sealed into anyone's disapproval. You should never hinge your life on the opinions of others. Teach people how they should treat y...