Lead by example quotes

Someone looks up to you whether your actions are good or bad. Whether you're young or old. Someone processes the signals that you are sending off, and they're following in your direction. We are all someone else's hero. Remember, your children look up to you. Friends look up to you. Relatives look up to you. Strangers look up to you. What signals are you sending them? What impact do your actions have on their lives? Someone is always watching. You don't need to be perfect, because none of us are. But remember the impact that you have on those who are following in your footsteps. Lead them on the right path. Someday, someone else will follow their path too. Be a beacon of light. “If you want more kindness in the world, but some there.” ― Zero Dean “Instruction is good for a child, but an example is worth more.” ― Alexandre Dumas “No amount of awards will give you character.” ― Germany Kent “Wronging someone doesn't right them. Leave vengeance. D...