How I handle criticism as a writer.
If you never want to be criticized, do nothing! Even then, you won't avoid criticism; people will always have something to say. I've had my share of criticism, both constructive and destructive. How I respond to them is what matters most. At the end of the day, I know that I'm imperfect. I can't please everyone, and I won't be everyone's cup of tea. I wouldn't say that it's easy to shake it off and get over it when you are being criticized. Every one of us has feelings, and it doesn't matter how strong we are; some things can throw us off balance. It's even more difficult to handle when it's from the persons closest to us and even ourselves. As long as you are serving your talent to people; you will face criticism. Would you prefer to hear the truth, even though your feelings may hurt, or be comforted with a lie? It doesn't always mean that people are fighting against you because they are criticizing what you are doing. You have t...