How do I know if I'm being used?

This post contains affiliate links. Please see the disclaimer . "Some people will only love you as much as they can use you. Their loyalty ends where the benefits stop." “When you’re nothing, people will ignore you but when you’re on top that’s when everybody swears they know you.” — Lincey Alphonse “It’s breaking my heart the way this world is so mean to people with pure intentions and soft hearts. With time I’ve seen much cruelty towards good people that instead of being cherished, they are actually being used.” –Samiha Totanji Have you been thinking lately that someone might be using you? They could be! Maybe it's your partner, sibling, colleague, friend, boss, etc. Some people know no limit to the generosity you offer and they aren't afraid to exploit you to get whatever they need. They're always in for the taking! While there isn't anything wrong with helping others. Something is wrong when we feel as if we're being used. You may feel as though you...