5 productivity tips to make the most of your day.

Every day that we are alive, we are presented with twenty-four hours. What we do with those hours is entirely up to us. We can either choose to spend them idly or invest them wisely. The next time you feel as though you aren't meeting your daily targets. Ask yourself, how am I using every twenty-four hours that I'm given? Below I'll share five useful tips to make the most of your day. 1. Make preparations from the night before. Try not to clutter your mornings. It will make you exhausted the minute you reach the office. Clean your shoes the night before, prepare the outfit that you plan to wear, and put your wallet, purse, and keys where you can easily find them. Ensure that your work ID is in your bag. If you plan on taking lunch to work. Try to prepare the ingredients overnight. You could also prepare your sandwiches, fruits, or salads and refrigerate them in an air-tight container to retain freshness. This will save you a great deal of time in the morning. Especiall...