How to empower yourself on a rough morning: 7 tips

How to cope with a bad day? Some mornings are harder than others. Many of us are quite familiar with those days that feel as though we've lost our magic touch and everything is just going awry. Late for work. Children aren't ready for school. Stuck in traffic. Haven't had breakfast. Haven't had enough sleep. Off to a long shift at work. Another mad rush morning, that demands so much energy. Sometimes it feels as though the weight of the world is resting on our shoulders. It's just not easy to get by. Below I'll share seven tips that can help to alleviate some of the pressure: 1. Express gratitude You can never determine how good or bad your day will turn out to be. It may have started on the wrong footing, but it may very well be one of your best days. Take each moment in strides. Make a list of the things that you're most thankful for. You can start with a short prayer. God, today I'm thankful for the breath in my body. I'm thankful for mobil...