10 Signs your relationship is dying.

Cheating, lying and abuse are usually the main players in the death of a relationship but other things like poor communication, immaturity, and incompatibility are just as bad. Sometimes the best option for both parties is to go their separate ways. It takes teamwork to keep a relationship afloat. If all the effort is being put out by one person. It will feel strenuous and lopsided, and that person will become frustrated. Today, I'll share with you 10 signs that your relationship isn't going anywhere. These are things that I've learned while dating and after being married. 1. There's no good communication; you argue more than you talk. One of the signs of a healthy relationship is that you can have respectful and mature conversations with your partner. If you find that a simple discussion turns to shouting, swearing and name-calling it's a sign of poor communication. You should be able to have discussions without feeling that you're venturing down a dangerous...