
Showing posts with the label How can we help disabled people

6 ways to be kinder to the disability community.

How do you show respect to a person with a disability?  Since childhood, our mother instilled in us that we should never make fun of anyone with a disability or any form of illness. It's something that she's super sensitive about. She would always say, "no one knows what will happen to them in life." I greatly admire members of the disability community. They’re one of my biggest sources of inspiration.  If you watch series like Born Different and Shake My Beauty on Facebook, you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about. When you watch these programs you don’t see their disabilities you see their superpower. Today, I’d like to share with you 6 ways through which you can be kinder and more respectful to members of the disability community. 1. Don’t mimic their disability. I see this happening quite often on social media, just to rack up views and shares.  It’s offensive to imitate a person's disability. It's also offensive to pretend that you have a disability when...