Survivor's Guilt (Poem)


Survivors guilt

When death snatches someone you

Truly love,

It not only takes them,

It takes you too.

For only those who would have truly loved you with their entire being 

will mourn the loss of you.

The tumultuous stages of grief,

Backwards and forwards,

Pause and replay,

In the days and years they come.

Never letting you be.

Life moves fast and everything changes, 

Except your heart and the sting of death 

that remains. 

At worst, survivor's guilt,

haunted by all the wrongs that you haven't made right. 

Or maybe, just maybe,

If you had done this and that,

Your conscience would have won 

This fight,

But now that they've died,

Your heart has passed off too,

For life has gone on living,

 but grief has not departed from you.

Annette Kinglock Murray 

All rights reserved 


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