As if I wasn't made to feel (Poem).


As if i wasn't made to feel

Poem about feeling empty, broken, and alone inside. 

Happiness never lingers here,

Sheer joy and peace a chasm,

As if I wasn't made to feel,

The rapture of loving arms consoling me,

Or the pitiful pleas of this world,

Being so empty and broken without me.

As if I wasn't made to feel,

The bounties of endless love,

Soothing this bleeding heart within me,

As if I wasn't made to feel,

Loved by those I've truly loved,

With every fiber of my being.

As if I wasn't made to feel, 

Truth in the eyes of someone,

Who's longing to come home to me,

It's never a haven,

If emptiness and sorrow dwells there, 

These broken pieces of mine, 

Are all I'm left to feel.

Annette Kinglock-Murray 

All Rights Reserved 

© 2022

Read more poems:

Survivor's Guilt 

The pain of loneliness 


  1. These lines :(
    It's never a haven,

    If emptiness and sorrow dwells there,

    These broken pieces of mine,

    Are all I'm left to feel.

  2. Happiness never lingers here,
    Sheer joy and peace a chasm,


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