Things aren't always as they seem (Poem).

°°°°°°•°°°°°°°°••••••°°°°°°•••••••°°°°°°°°•••••• She struts through the day like cakewalk, But only the night knows her well, The day's a tunnel vision, She's the life of the party, A tower of strength, SΓΊper mujer! Only the night knows her truth, Mamma Mia! Daytime shenanigans, Obeisance of the night, Knees cuddled up to her chest, Smiles smothered in teardrops, Sipping bitter wine, Clutching musty cigarettes, Ugly cries, Truth conquers lies, The skeletons come out of her closet, Ain't no laughter for her puppet show, Every heart knows its sorrow, Things aren't always as they seem, She smiles above the pain, A warrior at daylight, but Only the night knows her well! Annette Kinglock-Murray ©2022 All Rights Reserved Things don't always appear as they seem quotes “Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden.”― Phaedrus “All that glisters is...