Do I need a break?


Do i need a break

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All across the Internet, you'll see self-care quotes, memes, and videos. More people are realizing that self-care isn't an option, but a priority. Diet, skincare, exercise,  proper rest, and mental health. The message is being preached loud and clear. 

Throughout your life, there isn't anything that you’ll use as much as you use your body. Whether it's for physical labor or brainpower. 

Like everything else that isn't given proper care and maintenance. The body will break down from exhaustion if you're not giving yourself a break.

Whether you're a stay-at-home mom, an entrepreneur, an employee, or the CEO of a large corporation. You need a break!

Today, I'll share with you 5 reasons why you must take a break,  even if you don't feel like it.

1. Work is never over.

Those of us who live in busy households know this all too well. Housework is never finished. There is always something left to do.  A little dusting,  some laundry, the dishes, etc. 

Work is never over and even if you don't manage a busy household. Work is a continuous process. That's why you get dressed each day for work. 

No matter how productive you are. You can only do so much and no more with each given day.

 Don't deprive yourself of your breaks by saying that you have too much work to get done.

 If machines have to take breaks to function efficiently. Imagine what you're doing to your body when you're not giving it a break.

2. You only have one body.

Taking a break doesn't make you a lazy person. Regular breaks make you more productive, creative and energized. I tend to be more frustrated and confused when I'm trying to get too many things done at once. 

I feel much better when I take a break and go at it again. Your body shouldn't have to force you to take a break. 

Because your head is pounding from a headache. You are super exhausted or you're sick and under strict doctor's orders.

Don't wait until your body is reeling from aches and pain before you finally give yourself a break.

  You only have one body. If you constantly put yourself into overdrive. It won't be long before you'll have to schedule regular doctor's appointments.

3. Work can be done without you.

We sometimes think that nothing can get done without us or if we want anything great done it's best to do it for ourselves. While that may be true. 

How many companies do you know that are still operating even though the owner is dead?

Work will always go on and it doesn't matter how many accolades we have for the excellent job that we've been doing. The show will continue if anything should go wrong with us. We're all replaceable.

If you should die today your job will be listed and someone will take that vacancy. Take your vacation days and sick time. They're not there to remain unused or rollover each year.

4. You need time for yourself.

While you're busy attending to everyone else's needs. Someone has to attend to yours. Someone has to take care of you. Always take the same interest in caring for yourself the way you do for others. 

There are times when you need to sit in solitude and breathe.  Away from the hustles and bustles of life. 

There are days when you need to stay in bed a little longer and relax. Especially, on days when you're off work. There are days when you need to treat yourself to a mini-date. Have a little ice cream or chill out at the park.

 Spending quality time alone helps to reduce stress, refresh your thoughts, and boost your spirit. 

You don't need to bog yourself down with the stresses of life. Take a break from them.

5. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.

When you're sick, your first and only priority is to get better. Nothing else matters.

 Stop waiting until you find the time to take a break. You probably never will. Work will always be there but you probably won't be around for a long time if you only work and no play.

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What's your take? How often do you take a break from what you're doing? Are you a workaholic or do you have a healthy work-life balance?


7 ways to be kinder to yourself 


  1. Great post, enjoyed reading. Thank you for sharing these great suggestions. ☺️

    Pastor Natalie (ExamineThisMoment)

  2. All really great reasons to remember to take a break and be mindful of how much we are putting onto ourselves; much needed, thank you!


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