10 Hard truths I'd tell my younger self.

10 Hard truths I'd tell my younger self.

“But one thing I’ve learned since becoming an adult is that failure is the best teacher of all. Try it. Try it all. If you’re not good at it… try some more. Being embarrassed is not the end of the world, but maybe being afraid is.”
― Joanna Cannon, 

“Advice to my younger self:

1 Start where you are with what you have
2 Try not to hurt other people
3 Take more chances
4 If you fail, keep trying”
― Germany Kent

At the time of this post, I'm young but not so young. I've been around long enough to know the ins and outs of life. I've had my fair struggles in life and who knows what else lies ahead. Today, I just want to give God thanks that I've made it this far.

  I want to share with you some hard truths that I'd teach my younger self. Of course, I can't turn back the hands of time and I'm not whining about how my life has been. It's rather a moment of truth that will help someone navigate the journeys of life.

 1. Not all dreams come true.

Positivity doesn't change the realities of life. Many things in life happen unexpectedly and they do impact our future forever. Sadly, not all dreams will come true.

 It's a bitter pill to swallow and it doesn't mean that we shouldn't dream or quit on our dreams. But the landscape of life is brutal at times and terminal illnesses, financial constraints, natural disasters, and certain accidents can destroy our dreams.

No one wishes for the worst to happen to them in life.  We all want to live our best life, but such isn't always the case. The inevitable happens.

2. Growth is sometimes long and painful.

In Jamaica, our elders would say, if you want good, your nose will run.  Growth isn't the most wonderful experience to go through in life. It's an uncomfortable phase of life.

 You'll never experience real growth without change. To advance from one phase to the next there are people and things that you must grow out of.

This sometimes means cutting ties with people who aren't on the same path on which you're traveling. Putting an end to old habits that are wasting your life away. Grasping new concepts, knowledge, or skills, and stretching the limits of your comfort zone.

3. Innocent people suffer.

Good does come back to you in life but it doesn't mean that you'll earn a free ticket to bypass the calamities of life. Terrible things happen to innocent people. Sometimes worse than those who are known for trouble.

4. Hard work doesn't mean you'll become rich.

Getting out of bed every morning to get to your job on time is no guarantee that you'll retire with a decent income to steer you comfortably through retirement. 

 At worst, entry-level jobs. For the most part, you can only live from paycheck to paycheck. Sometimes barely covering basic living expenses.

Imagine someone working far fewer hours than you are and making far more than you do in a forty-hour week. The key is to work smarter not harder. 

5. Invest, invest, invest!

I wish I had better knowledge of investment earlier in my life. I'd certainly be further than where I'm at now.

Make the most of your available resources.  Invest in every aspect of your life. Most importantly, your physical and emotional well-being. 

Don't waste precious energy on people and things that drain you out. Read good books, be financially literate, and take the best care of yourself.

Every day we're one step closer to the grave. It's funny how we sometimes feel that we have all the time in the world when in fact we don't.

 Tomorrow is promised to no one. There isn't any time to waste or procrastinate. Today is all we have. The best we can do is make the most of it. 

6. Time stops for nothing.

We're either ready or not. Time waits for no one. From the day that we were born, we're in a race with time. This moment we were babies creeping, the next we were toddlers, then teenagers, then adults trying to figure out our lives.

Time is always on the move and so should we. Time isn't waiting until we're ready, or when we think we have it all figured out. 

7. Life is ebb and flow

Sometimes it seems as though we've been hexed. How else can we explain the plethora of misfortunes? If it isn't one problem it's the other. Stress is the order of the day. 

We don't always know the answers to our downfalls in life. There are those moments when the waves of life are too rough to cross over and everything is falling out of place.

8. Nobody wants your problem.

You'd be damned if you think anyone wants your problems. They're all yours to deal with and whether you want to face them or not, eventually you will.

People are sometimes more curious than concerned. They don't all have a genuine interest in what's happening in your life. Half the time they are in no shape or form to offer any useful help. 

9. Do what you love and forget what others think.

Don't build your life on what everyone else thinks is best for you. Only you can live your life. You can't allow others to live their dreams in your life.

Whether it's your career, relationship, finances, etc, choose what makes you happy. At the end of the day, every feeling of guilt and discontentment is stuck with you. There isn't anything worth sacrificing your happiness for. It will surely cost your sanity.

10. Death is certain.

Some of us will live longer than others, but we will eventually die. Death is a fact of life and there is nothing that we can do about it. Our loved ones that we don't want to die will leave us one day. However long you are given to live on earth, make the best of it.

“You are the author of the story of your life. You get to choose what happens. More importantly, you get to decide how the hero responds to setbacks, disasters, and moments of terror. You are the difference between the person who folds when everything crumbles and the person emerging from it stronger, more determined, shining brighter. Don’t give anyone else the power to script your life. Own it. And have fun.”
― Joanna Cannon

I'd love to hear from you! What hard truth of life would you teach your younger self?

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  1. I found myself nodding in agreement with every bit of advice here -- really interesting and thought-provoking post!

    1. I'm glad that you enjoyed it. Thank you very much for reading😊😊

  2. If I could turn back in time, I'd tell my younger self the same!

  3. Just imagine the wisdom we could impart to our younger selves. There's so much knowledge and experienced gained in ageing. If only... I really like the message about time. People will decide against doing something in their lives because of the time that it will take to learn/ grow/ succeed, but that time period will still pass. Wouldn't it be better if you invested in yourself? I don't deny that it can be hard to see past our challenges, but if only...

    1. Thank you for sharing your input. Greatly appreciated.


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