
Showing posts from April, 2022

11 signs your friendship is coming to an end

  How do you know when to end a friendship? It's good to have people who you can be yourself around. No facade. No pretense. No imitation. Just the real- raw you. Real friends are priceless and we know all too well that they are few and when we do find them; they are to be treasured. However, we don't always know what people's true intentions are, and sometimes the people we call our friends aren't who we think they are. As time goes on we'll notice some disconnect in the friendship that we either need to fix or break off permanently.  Today, I want to share with you 11 signs that your friendship is coming to an end and you may need to break it off soon. What would cause you to end a friendship? 1. They act like they're your spokesperson. Nothing is wrong if you allow your friend to put in a word or two now and then,  but it's a serious cause for concern when this behavior becomes a pattern and they act as if you're not intellectual to speak up for yours...

Signs you're giving too much for nothing.

  "I give so much and get nothing in return." “Selflessness. It should be the basis of every relationship. If a person truly cares about you, they'll get more pleasure from the way they make you feel, rather than the way you make them feel.” ―  Colleen Hoover "Can a car travel a mile on empty?" How then do you expect to go the extra mile for  others without filling your needs first? " Annette Kinglock-Murray  Do you feel like you're over-giving? There isn't anything wrong with giving and sharing with others. It's good when we're able to bless the lives of others through our various acts of giving. The flip side of this is we sometimes run ourselves dry for the sake of others.  Today,  I want to share with you some signs that you're giving too much for nothing in return and this is not to say you should always give with expectations. I'm ONLY making the point that in your giving you should always fill yourself first so you don't r...

10 Hard truths I'd tell my younger self.

“But one thing I’ve learned since becoming an adult is that failure is the best teacher of all. Try it. Try it all. If you’re not good at it… try some more. Being embarrassed is not the end of the world, but maybe being afraid is.” ―  Joanna Cannon,  “Advice to my younger self: 1 Start where you are with what you have 2 Try not to hurt other people 3 Take more chances 4 If you fail, keep trying” ―  Germany Kent At the time of this post, I'm young but not so young. I've been around long enough to know the ins and outs of life. I've had my fair struggles in life and who knows what else lies ahead. Today, I just want to give God thanks that I've made it this far.   I want to share with you some hard truths that I'd teach my younger self. Of course, I can't turn back the hands of time and I'm not whining about how my life has been. It's rather a moment of truth that will help someone navigate the journeys of life.  1. Not all dreams come true. Positivity doe...

Lessons learned in life (Poem)

  I've been foolish, But I've learned, There's just a thin line between Sanity and insanity, Good virtues and sin, There's a wild side, Sometimes too rebellious to tame, Temptation doesn't wear a sulking  face, It knows how well to bait the hook, Sweet to the mouth,  Bitter in the belly, Fire and desire, It will cost more than, You bargain for, At worst death! I used to be hung up on Everything I'd never dare to do. Out of class. Dirty.  Taboo. Yet, at my strongest,  I became weak, Compromising  values for Misty moments of pleasure, A slave to the flesh, Never wanting to be free, I've been foolish, But I've learned, Experiences teach wisdom, Time past doesn't change regret, The follies of the heart, Aren't that simple to forget, No matter how strong you think you are, Temptation is everywhere, May God lead you through an escape! Annette Kinglock-Murray  Other Poems: Embody Go Beckon The Morning Haiku Poems Heartbroken Life and Death Poem About Be...

Life is a journey (Poem)

  Oh, dear life, whatever's left of thee, A mountain's climb, A thousand miles, A wimpy breath, Must I lay thee on shattered dreams, Binging on thoughts of sheer disbelief,  Yesterday was never mine's to take, What more can I do today, Shall we be wasted for days on end, In the abyss of missed opportunities, Oh, the bridges we've burned, Losing the moon while counting the stars, Where do we go from here, Time's sinking sand,  Whatever's left of us, It's our mountain to climb, Our race to run, Our journey to trod, Our story to tell, Win or lose, Life is what we make it! ©2022 Annette Kinglock- Murray All Rights Reserved 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 Life is a journey, not a destination(Poem) There are days when I can move a mountain, In the blink of an eye, Slay the dragons, Conquer the day, Mission. Possible, There are days when I'm downtrodden, Defeated and left for dead, Motivation is far out of reach, Tired and frustrated, Bearly hanging on by a th...

What to do when others drag you down.

  “If people are hating on you it's often because they are: 1. Threatened by you, 2. Jealous of you or 3. Feel like you're above them so they put you down to feel better about themselves. The greatest people have haters for a reason, so take it as a compliment. Haters gonna hate.” ―  Jeanette Coron “One negative voice aimed at me has the incredible power to drown out a thousand positive ones. One of the greatest things I can achieve is to never let it.” ―  Dan Pearce “In all spheres of life, there are constraints. You have to develop your strategy to overcome each constraint.” ―  Lailah Gifty Akita There's hardly any escape from the harsh judgment of people. They're just about everywhere. Online, at work, at home, etc. Sometimes we try so hard to put our best foot forward, only to have those efforts snuff out by other people.  Some people take pleasure in putting down others. We can't always shut them out. We can't always ignore it all and not let it bother...

Life and Death (Poem)

  If life gave me one last minute, Let it erase, All those tears I cried,  On lonely nights when my heart pounded Like marching soldiers in a platoon. My hopeless days of anxiety and discontentment, My bitter regrets and sore disappointments, All my dreams that weren't to be, Not this time, Bid them far from me. If life gave me one last minute, I'll paint the sunshine on my rainy days,   Tiny doses of laughter in the moments bittersweet, The glimmer of hope that trickled through my fears, Every prayer that was right on time, I'll seal them forever in the realms of my mind. If this is my last, God, let me have this peace,  Life is filled with a million memories, Some are too painful to forget,   Take me home in cheerful colors, I pray my soul finds rest in thee, Life is meant to be celebrated.  Annette Kinglock-Murray All Rights Reserved  Other poems: Survivor's Guilt   Embody Heartbroken The ultimate betrayal Self-confidence Go beckon th...

Is someone trying to avoid you?

This post contains affiliate links. Please see the  disclaimer . “We must all work in harmony with each other to stand up for what is right, to speak up for what is fair, and to always voice any corrections so that the ignorant become informed and justice is never ignored. Every time a person allows an act of ignorance to happen, they delay our progress for true change. Every  person, molecule, and thing matters. We become responsible for the actions of others the instant we become conscious of what they are doing wrong and fail to remind them of what is right.” ―  Suzy Kassem “Don’t start, initiate, or take on unnecessary battles. Some things can be walked over, prayed about or ignored.” ―  Brenda Diann Johnson  Have you noticed some indifference in another person's attitude towards you lately? They don't say hello the way they used to. They keep a straight face and not all smiles like you're used to. They don't make eye contact or return your calls and texts w...

How do I know if I'm being used?

  This post contains affiliate links. Please see the  disclaimer . "Some people will only love you as much as they can use you. Their loyalty ends where the benefits stop." “When you’re nothing, people will ignore you but when you’re on top that’s when everybody swears they know you.” — Lincey Alphonse “It’s breaking my heart the way this world is so mean to people with pure intentions and soft hearts. With time I’ve seen much cruelty towards good people that instead of being cherished, they are actually being used.” –Samiha Totanji Have you been thinking lately that someone might be using you? They could be! Maybe it's your partner, sibling, colleague, friend, boss, etc. Some people know no limit to the generosity you offer and they aren't afraid to exploit you to get whatever they need. They're always in for the taking! While there isn't anything wrong with helping others. Something is wrong when we feel as if we're being used. You may feel as though you...