11 signs your friendship is coming to an end

How do you know when to end a friendship? It's good to have people who you can be yourself around. No facade. No pretense. No imitation. Just the real- raw you. Real friends are priceless and we know all too well that they are few and when we do find them; they are to be treasured. However, we don't always know what people's true intentions are, and sometimes the people we call our friends aren't who we think they are. As time goes on we'll notice some disconnect in the friendship that we either need to fix or break off permanently. Today, I want to share with you 11 signs that your friendship is coming to an end and you may need to break it off soon. What would cause you to end a friendship? 1. They act like they're your spokesperson. Nothing is wrong if you allow your friend to put in a word or two now and then, but it's a serious cause for concern when this behavior becomes a pattern and they act as if you're not intellectual to speak up for yours...