What to do this new year? 10 tips


What to do this new year

For many of us, the cycle continues each year. We create a list of things that we are either going to do or not going to do. Unfortunately, a number of these fall through the cracks as the year goes by and we wind up doing only a few or nothing at all. Before you embark on another new year's resolution, that might certainly end like the others.

 How about you take a different approach to achieve your objectives for this new year, 2023. Instead of reeling off a whole list of things, try to take your year in bite sizes.  For many of us, the questions are, what's the best way to start the new year? What is some good new year advice? What advice should I give myself to begin the New Year? No worries! Below I'll share a list of things that you can do to get 2023 off on the right start.

1. Pray over your situations more.

Our strength will fail us. Sometimes we aren't as strong as we hope that we would be. Reality happens! Life sometimes throws us off course. Ebbs and flows! Whatever is to come this year. Know that you can never control all of them. God knows your end from your beginning. Put all your situations before Him. This year, dedicate more time to your prayer life. As you venture off into the unknown, believe me, you're going to need it. Prayer changes things!

2. Focus on a central theme.

Try to focus on a central theme as opposed to compiling a long list of things that you hope to achieve for the new year. It will save some things from falling through the cracks. I remember one particular year my theme for the entire year was, 'investment.'  That theme enveloped every area of my life. My emotional and physical well-being, spiritual and financial life. I didn't focus on anything else outside of investment, for that year. At the end of the year, there were visible improvements in those areas of my life. Try to focus on a central theme for the new year and see how it works. You could try, refocus, humility, investment, or anything else of your choice.

3. Clear a few words from your vocabulary, permanently.

They say that life and death are in the power of the tongue. Don't allow your words to hold you hostage. Try to eliminate a few words from your vocabulary and you'll see the difference that it makes in your overall attitude. Instead of saying, I can't, I wish or I hope it happens. Try to use,  I will, as much as possible. 

Envision yourself reaping the rewards from those things that you're professing over your life. Be excited about that which you're preparing yourself for. It does make a difference in your attitude. You'll approach each day with more confidence. You'll start handling each challenge that you face better, and you'll become more resilient mentally. When you say I'm hoping that it happens, you're subconsciously surrounding yourself with doubt. When you say I will, you're preparing yourself to get the work done. I will, requires action. Faith without works is no faith at all.  Kickstart 2023 with an, 'I will', attitude!

  • I will get things done.
  • I will succeed. 
  • I will make good use of the opportunities.
  • I will commit.
  • I will endure to the end.
  • I will go above and beyond.

4. Follow through on your new year's resolutions.

Commit yourself to do that which you say that you'll do. This includes the promises that you've made to yourself. Make every effort on your part to do what needs to be done. Don't commit if you have no intentions of following through. Try not to justify or find excuses. Get things done.

5. Forgive someone.

Many of us have been carrying many things bottled within us for the longest while. I know it isn't easy to let go of the hurt, but we can only heal by learning to let it go. Try to forgive someone this new year. It may very well be the peace that your soul has been longing for. Don't allow the pain to eat at your heart for another year. Pull the fire out from beneath that hurt that is consuming your soul. It's time to let it die, so you can finally live. I hope that you'll find the strength to embark on your journey of healing. It does take time, so walk at your own pace.

6. Pay off a loan or outstanding debt

Try to minimize your debt balance this new year. Seek more ways through which you can maximize your earnings, as opposed to reducing them. Take a look at the debts that you have outstanding and make a commitment to clear at least one of them. You may need to cut back on a few things, but in the end, you'll win because you'll have one less creditor to worry about.

7. Challenge yourself to do a fun project.

Turn it up a notch this new year and challenge yourself a little more. Dare the boundaries of your comfort zone and try something new. Just for the fun of it or maybe to learn a new skill. You could try self-publishing a book, creating a free blog, or doing a few DIY projects. Do more things that highlight your creativity. Do more things that make you laugh!

8. Get to know someone better.

There might be someone who you've been making assumptions about for the longest while. Guess what? You could be wrong about that person. Task yourself to get to know someone better this year. It could be your boss, a co-worker, a colleague, or whoever the person may be. Many times our perceptions of others are nowhere close and we tend to misjudge people wrongfully. Instead of assuming that someone is who you think they are. Take the time to know that person a little better. The results might surprise you.

9. Expect changes.

Nothing is set in stone. This is a version of your life not yet lived. Don't anticipate it, just breathe. Who would have thought that we would have been in a pandemic for this long? Many of us had our expectations for 2020, and it turned out far worse than expected. Try not to overthink.  Take each moment as they come. Remember, you're not in control of everything.

10. Give more presence to your loved one.

Spend as much time as possible with your loved ones. Give them more of your presence. Too often we try to replace these precious moments with materialistic gifts. This pandemic has taught many of us the importance of having our loved ones around. Material goods are replaceable but the times we haven't spent with our loved ones aren't. Commit yourself to give your loved ones more of you. Believe me, it's worth it.

I wish you all the best as you embark on another new year. I pray that you'll walk in God's direction. Everything will work out as it should with God as your guide. Don't anticipate what will happen next, just take each moment as they come. God bless you richly.



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