82 powerful affirmations to live by.


Daily affirmations to live by

Affirmations aren't a bunch of nice things that you say to yourself once in a while; then with the wave of a wand, you automatically become them. Not so, faith without works is dead! You must be willing to put in the work. It's a process that you have to repeat daily until these things that you have been saying becomes a part of you. Not only that, you must first believe in whatever you're saying or it will never happen. Meditate on your affirmations when you go to bed, when you wake up, when you are alone, wherever you go. 

You won't just get up out of the blue and become the most confident person on earth. It happens gradually. Just know that some affirmations can take years before they manifest themselves. Others will manifest themselves when situations arise. Either way, an affirmation is a seed that you sow within yourself. Like the natural seed, you'll have to take care of it, or it will die. You must give it strong roots to combat internal and external factors that will seek to destroy it. Negativity, toxicity, anxiety, and whatever unfavorable conditions life takes you through. Affirmations are like the flowers that bloom. When they start to bear fruit. You truly are the best version of yourself. Below I've written 82 great affirmations to live by.

Powerful Positive Affirmations For Living Your Best Life

1. I was created on purpose.

2. With God everything is possible.

3. I'm more than enough.

4. I'm beautiful within and without.

5. I'm a masterpiece, fearfully and wonderfully made.

6. I love being me.

7. I'm comfortable in my skin.

8. I'm capable of doing anything that I task myself to do.

9. I know that greatness exists in me.

10. My happiness is my priority.

11. I'm so proud of who I'm becoming.

12. God loves me.

13. I deserve only the very best.

14. I love every fiber of my being.

15. I'm confident in myself.

16. I know who I am and whose I am.

17. I'm grateful for the gift of life

18. I'm at peace with myself.

19. I'm content with all I have.

20. I'm patient with myself.

21. I'm brave and strong.

22. I'm blessed and highly favored.

23. I'm capable of making the right decisions.

24. I'm not a pushover.

25. My health is my wealth.

26. I'm my biggest fan.

27. I've got my best interest at heart.

28. I was born to stand out.

29. I'm creative and innovative.

30. I'm free from my past.

31. There are endless possibilities within me.

32. I believe in my vision and dreams.

33. I've got the spirit of a warrior.

34. God made me just right.

35. I'm willing and able to become the best version of myself.

36. I love all my imperfections.

37. I was chosen to be here at this time in earth's history.

38. I've got a purpose in this life, and I won't let it die.

39. It's my responsibility to take the best care of myself.

40. I'm a priceless work of art.

41. I only have one life, and no one else can live it for me.

42. I will make a difference in this world.

43. My voice matters.

44. I'm unapologetically me.

45. How I feel about myself is what matters the most.

46. I accept responsibility for my actions.

47. There's nothing worth sacrificing my peace of mind for.

48. I have a right to choose who and what is right for me.

49. I embrace my failures. There are opportunities in them.

50. I'm doing this for me.

51. The only other person I want to become is the best version of myself.

52. I'm open and willing to learn.

53. I forgive myself for the wrongs I did.

54. I have a right to my individuality.

55. I won't change myself to fit in.

56. I don't need to be anyone other than myself.

57. I have a say in everything that concerns me.

58. I'm a beacon of light.

59. I’ve gone through hard times before, and I can overcome them again.

60. God will make a way for me.

61. I respect my body.

62. I'm honest with myself.

63. I will not put myself in harm's way.

64. My feelings are important.

65. I have a clear sense of direction.

66. I don't make promises that I don't intend to keep.

67. I'm stronger than my fears.

68. I declare prosperity over my life.

69. I'm a living testimony of God's grace.

70. Today, I'm just so grateful for everyone and everything I've been blessed with.

71. My success is imminent.

72. I believe that all things work together for good.

73. I'm committed to all that I do.

74. I'm always going to do me. I won't be everyone's cup of tea.

75. I'm proud of how far I've come.

76. I'm a source of positive energy. I attract blessings in my life.

77. I'm proud of my accomplishments.

78.  Today, I just going to focus my energy on the good things that are happening.

79. I won't allow anyone or anything to steal my joy.

80. Today, I'm going to say something nice to myself.

81. Today I'm going to give myself a big hug.

82. I enjoy spending quality time with myself.

Other posts:

Photo by Anna Tarazevich from Pexels

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