How I challenge myself from doing better to doing my best.

Doing your best in life.


 ''Our greatest threat is our last success.'' Dr. Myles Munroe

What do you do when life is finally treating you well? Do you say that this is it, and relax? 

 There's always more room for growth and improvement. If you become complacent when you're doing well, you'll never see the need to do better.

 You'll never see the need to strive for your best. You'll never see a reason why you should give your all.

''Discipline is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most.'' Abraham Lincoln

 How do you not allow yourself to become caught up in this beautiful moment of I'm doing well? How do you not get lost at this milestone? How do you emerge from your current wave of excitement? You must challenge yourself to do better than your last success.

“Don't live the same day over and over again and call that a life. Life is about evolving mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.”
― Germany Kent

You must be willing to put in your all. It's worth celebrating your achievements, but you must remember that your journey doesn't end there. That's why you need to have a clear vision of exactly where you want to be in life! It will prevent you from settling for mediocrity. It will help you to avoid complacency. It will take you beyond the walls of your comfort zone. It will keep you on the course, and it will lead you to your destination.

 I remember being the top student for Accounting at my high school. It was a position that I took great pride in.

 Unfortunately, I lost the title to another student in my senior year and it broke my heart. I was so used to being the top student, and I had let my guard down.

 While I was basking in my success, another student was working hard to be where I was. I was certain that no other student could level up to my scores, but I was wrong.

“Sometimes it's like: If something terrifies you, you should totally do it BECAUSE it terrifies you. And then you'll do it and you'll realize what you're capable of.”
― Jonathan Saccone-Joly

 I did pass my exams, but I wasn't pleased with the score. I knew that wasn't my best score. That same year, I studied twice as hard to prepare for the next exam, I gave it everything I got, and I reclaimed the title the following year. 

Complacency will darken your vision. If you become too comfortable with where you're at now, that's exactly where you'll remain.

You've lost a couple of pounds after a few weeks of rigorous exercise, now what?  You're finally getting married to the love of your life, now what? 

You've received a decent pay increase, now what?  You've bought a nice car, and a beautiful home, now what? You've completed your university degree, now what? Will you advance or will you remain in the bliss of your last success?

“We won't grow and learn, doing what we've always done, and thinking what we've always thought. We need to move beyond our comfort zones. We need to engage with new and different if we want to expand ourselves.”
― Akiroq Brost

Looking back, I realized that the top student title was my main motivation for attaining the highest score in my Accounting class, but what happens now? I'm no longer in high school, and that title is of no use to me.  We are always trying to attain something in life, and it doesn't matter if we are in a live competition or not. 

“Do one thing each day that makes you feel good. Keep moving, make mistakes, and challenge yourself. The lessons that lead to personal growth and clarity are inevitable.”
― Dee Waldeck

Athletes are always competing for the top prizes. That's why they spend so much time in training to keep their bodies and minds in good shape. The rest of us are no different. That's why we have goals that we work toward. We may not necessarily be competing for medals, money, bragging rights, etc., but we expect to attain something in the end for our hard work. Whether it's praise, congratulations, or just a deep sense of joy and fulfillment within ourselves.

“True potential for growth is measured by your willingness to let go of what you think you know, and embrace something seemingly contrary, thereby, challenging yourself to go higher. It is impossible to learn something new without rejecting something old.”
― C. Orville McLeish

Your attitude will take you exactly where you want to go in life. If you want to stop when you're doing well, it will leave you there. If you want to stop when you're doing better, it will leave you there. If you want to advance to doing your absolute best, it will take you there.

The choice is yours, where do you want to go? What's your ultimate goal for your life? As a Christian, my ultimate goal is to make it into God's kingdom.  When it's all said and done if I haven't done my best. If I haven't given my all. I would have completely missed the mark!

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