Morning Poems

Morning poem about life's struggle Go beckon the morning, It holds the key for this dungeon I’m in tonight, Go beckon the morning, For my heart bleeds and I won’t sleep tonight, Go beckon the morning, May its glorious rays illuminate, Every crevice of this room, Go beckon the morning, Save me from this miserable night of gloom, Go beckon the morning, For God knows, I need its peace, Go beckon the morning, Set my soul free from this dungeon tonight, Go tell the morning, This my feeble plea, For my heart bleeds and I won't sleep tonight. Annette Kinglock-Murray Poet. All rights reserved ***************************************** Morning poem for my love : A lofty prayer awakens the heavens, As the blissful night rolls away, Butter kisses for my love, Mornings aren't the same, Without the sweet aroma of you. Annette Kinglock-Murray All rights reserved ************************************** Poem about morning routine and drinking coffee Ano...