Five reasonable questions to ask on your first date.

Five reasonable questions to ask on your first date.

 First dates can be nerve-wracking at times. What should I say? Hope I don't mess up. Hope I make a good impression. What should I wear? Do I look good? And the whole nine yards. While your first date doesn't have to be scripted. You also don't want to sit there and just stare into space.  You want to break the ice and start up a conversation. 

There are many who have flunked in this area and have ended their chances of dating any further at the first date. This is an opportunity for you to know each other a little better. Don't be selfish talking about yourself the whole time. Give the other party a chance to share a little about themselves and show interest in what they are saying.

This is not the time to flaunt your achievements, vocabulary, or which big names you are friends with. It isn't time to spill your guts either. You don't have to go about confessing all your deeds and whatnot. You don't know who you are talking to. 

I have compiled five reasonable questions that you can ask on your first date.  Be as natural as possible. Compliment your date. Thank them for coming. Don't pretend to be someone that you are not. It's really a turn-off.  Here we go:

1. How are you or How have you been?

Find out how your date is doing? It's really a generous question, it shows that you are concerned about their emotional well-being. It could have taken them a lot just to show up on that date. Put their mind at ease.

2. Tell me a little about yourself.

Don't go about doing detective work on your first date. Try to ask your date for general information about themselves. For example, their name, hobbies, favorite meal, favorite pet, etc. In turn, you can share basic information about yourself too. 

 Don't fabricate information about yourself this could harm your chances of seeing your date again. There are people who do their own background checks.

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3. What are your views on life?

Everyone has their own perceptions about life. We all see and interpret things differently and that's what makes us unique. This isn't the time for you to be judgmental or sarcastic about your date. You are only listening and sharing information. Respect their beliefs and opinions; even if you don't agree. It's not a debate, it is a conversation. 

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4. What do you do for fun?

Everyone has something that they enjoy doing. As for me, I love to sing and dance. It really takes a lot of stress off me. Who knows you might share similarities with your date and you could end up talking about your favorite sport, player, musician, etc. This might turn out better than planned. 

5. What are you currently doing with your life?

For sure, you don't expect to be hanging out with someone who has no plans for their life. No dreams, ambitions, or goals. Everyone has something planned for their life. Unless they're just flat-out carefree.  Again, this isn't the time for you to be judgmental. You are only collecting information here, this will help you to decide on future dates. 

These questions are only a guide. You can ask your own questions, just remember to be respectful when doing so, and allow the other person to share as well.  Don't go about divulging sensitive information about your life, in order to make a good first impression. This could bite you!

 Avoid asking sexual questions, and overly flirting. You don't want to send the wrong message to your date.  People have their own expectations of who they are looking for, and a date doesn't mean that you have hit the jackpot and you'll be in a serious relationship with this particular person. This is just an opportunity to know each other better. 

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