7 things you should never fuss about when it comes on to others.

People will live and do as they please! You can't control other people's behavior, but you can control how you respond. It's time to declutter your mental space of all the things that are of no concern to you. Below are seven things you should never fuss about when it comes on to other people. “ Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.” ― Roy T. Bennett 1. Other people's opinions about you. Stop allowing other people's opinions to rent a space in your head. Stop reducing yourself to other people's perceptions of you. Stop defining yourself with their vocabulary. Stop squeezing yourself into their myopic version of you. No one knows you better than you do. What others think about you is their business, not yours. Let them handle it, that's not your problem. Stop fussing yourself about who doesn't like you. Stop walking on the precipice of other people's opinions. At the end of the day, people are...